October 5, 2023 / Al Adcock / 0 Comments

Choosing a Washer-Extractor for your Commercial Laundry
It’s critical to purchase the right machine for your commercial laundry since picking the wrong machine will certainly lead to headaches and heartaches when you are at your busiest time. Today, we’ll take a look at a few options that you’ll have when choosing the best machine for your laundry application.
March 2, 2016 / Al Adcock / 3 Comments
Updating your commercial laundry equipment can save you money and increase your profits not only in the short term, but also in the long run through gains in efficiency, productivity, and repair costs. Take a look at some key parts of your operation and see why upgrading makes good sense for your bottom line. (more…)
August 31, 2015 / Al Adcock / 3 Comments
After a long working season in your laundry, it is tempting to just turn off the main panel breaker and lock the laundry room door without giving it a second thought. However, conducting a thorough end-of-season inspection and writing down maintenance needs while they are still fresh in your mind is definitely time well spent.
Months down the road it can be hard to remember that noise you wanted to check out before next season. By writing it down, you have a big head start on maintenance that will leave your equipment in top condition, ready for another productive season. Good machine care, with proper maintenance and repair not only helps ensure proper operation and long life, it helps maintain resale value.
February 24, 2015 / Al Adcock / 13 Comments
Maintaining Commercial Laundry Machines
Commercial Laundry Machines, like any other machine, contain many moving parts that need attention from time to time. If the machines are not looked after and maintained properly, the return on investment will be very poor. Instead of making your operation efficient and reducing the costs of doing laundry, expenses for repair and downtime will loom large.