Too Much Laundry? Consider Commercial Laundry Equipment!

Every now and then we’ll get a call from someone (hair salons, animal shelters, schools, and the like) asking us about the differences between home style washers and commercial laundry equipment. There is definitely a difference and fortunately it only takes a few simple questions to determine which one is the smarter buy for your particular need.
Do you have large loads to run?
If yes, commercial laundry equipment is the way to go. There are some larger capacity residential washers available (up to 30 pounds or so) but the commercial washers can handle even larger loads. Plus, they’ll keep running those larger loads for years to come giving you quite a bit of extra productivity.
Do you run your washer all day, every day?
Residential washers are designed to handle the demands of family laundry. Even if the the laundry is done all in one day that usually averages out to a load or two a day per week. Commercial washers are designed for the rigors of washing all day, every day. They are also are designed to be serviced, which is much more cost effective than replacement.
How often can you afford to replace the washer?
Commercial washers are designed for continuous use. They are more expensive than home style washers, but you shouldn’t have to replace the washer as frequently plus commercial laundry equipment is designed to be serviced quickly and easily. We had one customer that was purchasing a new home washer every year because it couldn’t stand up the rigors of constant use. They put in a commercial washer and have been happily laundering goods worry free.
Save Drying Time
Commercial dryers have larger drying cylinder sizes, higher airflow, and higher BTU ratings all of which help to reduce drying time and increase the efficiency of the laundry process. A typical home dryer can take an hour to dry a load of terry towels even after a high speed extract. The same load can be dried in half the time in a commercial dryer.
Commercial laundry equipment is usually equipped with controls that allow customized programs giving greater efficiency and flexibility. I actually have a commercial washer in my home and this came in super handy when our youngest left a crayon in his pocket that didn’t get caught during the pocket checking portion. We set a long wash program, added commercial grade laundry chemicals and viola!
Additional Considerations
Before heading down the commercial laundry road, make sure you check the following potential gotchas:
- Do you have an adequate water supply? Larger commercial washers will need more than a small 3/4″ fill line. Small water lines makes for longer fill times and longer wash cycles.
- Do you have an adequate drain? Commercial washers do not typically have a pump drain like a home washer, but a gravity drain. A small drain system will slow down the wash cycles due to extended drain times.
- Do you have adequate power? Most small commercial washers and dryers will operate with single phase power but will typically require 208-230V instead of the standard 120V that a home washer uses.
- Do you have natural gas? A natural gas dryer will dry much more effectively and efficiently than an electrically heated dryer (most home dryers are electric heat). You’ll also need a larger exhaust for the commercial dryer as well as make up air since a commercial dryer moves quite a bit more air than a home dryer (and dries faster, too!).
- Finally, make sure the machines will physically fit into the area that you will place them and that there is adequate room for service. Typically, your dealer will make sure and measure to ensure a proper fit.
There is, of course, a downside. The initial cost of a commercial washer is greater but savings through the life of the machine make it more economical. Don’t forget the costs associated with downtime during replacement as well as the stress! If you plan on continuing to do your own laundry on premise and can afford to make the investment it will pay off in the long run.
August 31, 2016 - 6:02 pm
I am looking for a price on an electric dryer
Al Adcock
September 1, 2016 - 7:51 am
Hi Colleen,
I’ve just sent you an email with some information. Thanks for your comment!
Adebajo Onajobi
March 13, 2017 - 11:12 am
I love the way you broke down the details, simple and straight to the point. Hence, this mail. I have being planning to start a mini laundromat using residential washers and dryers owing to the cost of commercial ones. But from the info you provided, that most likely will be a grave mistake.
Thanks for the wonderful piece and would appreciate it if you can lend me your expertise by advising me on the way to go about this in Africa, precisely Nigeria. I have looked at population and Universities are my target audience, to start with 4 washers and 2 dryers.
Presently working, looking to resign sometimes next year once I meet my financial goal (Capital). Considering cost, Electric dryers is my option for use but what is the average time for drying using electric against gas dryers.
Not to make this mail longer than it is already, What piece of advice to you have for me.
Thanks and looking forward a positive response.
Al Adcock
March 15, 2017 - 8:05 am
Thanks for the comment, Abebajo. I’ll send you an email with my recommendations.
April 30, 2017 - 9:17 am
We are looking to add a large commercial front load washer in our garage for a couple purposes:
1) It’s the only way I feel a large king-sized comforter will truly get clean.
2) We go through a lot of laundry and I can’t fit in doing a load or two each day during the week…am tired of spending my entire weekend washing clothes.
We were hoping you could advise on two issues we’re pondering:
1) Where is the best place to buy a used, possibly 30-40lb front load washer? &
2) What are the considerations for installing one?
My husband is a contractor so we are pretty comfortable we can make the modifications but want to be sure we’re not missing any details before we start down this road.
Any info would be much appreciated!
Al Adcock
May 1, 2017 - 8:17 am
Hi Denise,
Thanks for the questions! I’m sending you over an email with more information.
June 22, 2017 - 1:09 pm
Hello, I’m in need of a commercial washer and dryer, I’ve a 26 bed vacation rental house could you please price these for me abs delivery time?
Al Adcock
June 22, 2017 - 1:17 pm
Hi Kate,
I’m sending you an email with more information. Thanks for the comment!
Selina Hansen
July 11, 2017 - 2:09 pm
I own 6 hair salons and I am considering getting commercial grade equipment for all of them. What is the pricing on these?
Al Adcock
July 11, 2017 - 2:49 pm
Hi Selina,
I’m sending you an email with more information.
Thanks for commenting!
August 14, 2017 - 8:35 am
I would like to purchase a commercial washing machine, because of the amount of usage in my home. We are a family of 9 and we wash a lot. Also, I would like to teach the adults some kind of accountability, they are all working, but are back home after college. Right now it’s free and they sometimes just wash a small load and that can be costly for us. I’m trying to have them wash less and with some responsibility and that the reason for the coin slot. Please, I need some advice on which washing machine is best. Thanks
August 16, 2017 - 7:06 pm
I am looking to install a commercial washer and dryer in my home to do all our restaurant linens. What is the ball park figure for these machines and do you have a place you could recommend we purchase these from in the SF Bay Area?
Carolyn waterson
September 9, 2017 - 6:22 pm
We need a large capacity commercial grade top load washer for our humane society. What would be the best kind, what sort of $ $ are we looking at, and where do we buy one?
October 18, 2017 - 8:44 pm
Looking for a large capacity washing machine for our family of mess makers! Your recommendations are appreciated.
Al Adcock
October 19, 2017 - 8:19 am
Hi Ashley,
I’ve replied via email. Thanks for the comment!
Clint Hansen
December 5, 2017 - 10:08 am
Al, can you please send me some recommendations and pricing? We are a large family, burning through a residential style washer about once a year. Need something more robust.
Al Adcock
December 5, 2017 - 10:19 am
Hi Clint,
Thanks for the comment. Man you guys must do some serious laundry! I’ll shoot you an email over with some more details.
Kristen McNulty
January 3, 2018 - 7:43 pm
Can i get info on an electric industrial dryer for our home? I have to run ours 3x each load an they keep burning out!!
January 8, 2018 - 10:26 pm
I own a hair salon and we are expanding and putting in a washer and dryer. Which commercial units do you recommend? I’m guessing we will only do about 3-4 loads per day.
February 7, 2018 - 3:09 pm
Looking for recommendations on HE commercial washing machine. Family of 6,
thankyou for any info
Al Adcock
February 7, 2018 - 3:18 pm
Hi Haddigan, I’ve replied with info in an email. Thanks for reading!
March 20, 2018 - 7:47 am
Hi ,
Thank you for helping all of us.
Where is the best place to physically shop to look at a commercial dryer?
If I have a kitchen gas cooktop does this mean it would be easy to get and switch to a gas dryer?
Al Adcock
March 20, 2018 - 9:05 am
Hi Brandy, thanks for your comment. I’ve sent you some information on our distributor so you can take a look at a commercial dryer in person. You may already have gas in your laundry room if you have it in your kitchen. I emailed you a picture of what that might look like in your laundry room. In many homes with gas, you’ll find the laundry room prepared for both a gas dryer and an electric dryer.
April 29, 2018 - 3:14 pm
Hi, a very good write up above. I’m also like Adebajo Onajobi above, planning on starting with residential washers and dryers then upgrade in near future when i’m able to afford commercial washers and dryers. What do you advice, can you forward me your advice to Adebajo Onajobi, so that i learn from it also?
Al Adcock
April 30, 2018 - 8:33 am
Hi Eugene, I’ve sent you an email with some more specific recommendations. The downside of trying to start a business with residential type laundry equipment is overall durability. A home machine is designed to run a few hours a week. If you run them all day every day they simply won’t last very long. Something more durable with readily available parts will serve your needs much better.
July 24, 2018 - 8:33 pm
We’re a large family that does 5 loads a day. Cam I install commercial in my home? I can make the drain modification to 3 inch, and can upsize the water pipe, but what other information would I need to consider? Best used brands? Is residential gas pressure sufficient?
Al Adcock
July 25, 2018 - 8:08 am
Hi Andres,
Thanks for commenting on the blog – I’ve sent you an email with some details and recommendations.
July 24, 2018 - 8:50 pm
Hi there,
We need a 2-3 commercial washing machines and 2-3 dryers. Can you please contact me with a quote? Thank you!
Al Adcock
July 25, 2018 - 8:12 am
Thanks, Shayanne! I’ve emailed you some information.
Mandisa Hughes
August 17, 2018 - 8:43 am
Hi Al,
Could you send recommendations with specs for what you think are great commercial washer and dryers?…I have New Orleans Airbnbs and I am considering making the switch. Thanks for the rundown of how it works too. I didn’t even think about the logistics of gas, piping and waterlines, etc. If you could recommend that too, it would be extremely helpful too.
Thank you!!!! This was great info!
Al Adcock
August 17, 2018 - 8:47 am
Thanks, Mandisa! I’ve sent you an email to get some more information so I can help you. Thanks again for reading and commenting!
heidi howard
September 12, 2018 - 2:33 pm
I also have a large Airbnb and am looking for a commercial washer/dryer. Would love some information!
Al Adcock
September 17, 2018 - 10:35 am
Hi Heidi,
Thanks for your comment – I’ve replied to you in an email.
Debasish Guha Thakurta
September 15, 2018 - 12:55 pm
Very nice explanation!
Hello Al,
My experience of living in old and new apartment homes over the last 2 decades has exposed me to use old and new residential washers as well as the commercial washers at the local laundry facility. One thing I have noticed is that the quality of the wash in the commercial washers is far superior to that of any high end fancy residential washer.
Could you please send me some recommendations for a standard size commercial grade washer. I do not have a large family so I am not focused on the load size but I would definitely want to get a quality wash. I’ll be installing this in a new construction home. Is there anything specific regarding the installation that I should be aware of?
Thanks you so much!!!
Al Adcock
September 17, 2018 - 10:28 am
Al Adcock
11:26 AM (0 minutes ago)
Hi Debasish,
Thanks for commenting on the blog!
You are correct in that commercial washers provide a better result than a typical home style unit. There are a few reasons for this:
1. Topload washers provide almost no mechanical action, that is, the goods do not have the detergent/water mixture forced through the fibers of the goods (think of the old way of washing – pounding the clothes on a rock).
2. Home washers typically have a much shorter wash time and fewer final rinses. Even home style front load washers suffer from this. Shorter wash times and fewer rinses save time, water, and electricity and typically are acceptable since most home goods are fairly lightly soiled.
If you are planning on purchasing a home washer/dryer, I would recommend a machine that can add extra rinses and a prewash cycle. This will definitely improve wash results.
September 19, 2018 - 3:20 pm
We run a humane society and need to wash blankets and towels all day long. Obviously money is a consideration but we are going thru the small washers like there is no tomorrow. Any recommendations? Mahalo!
Al Adcock
September 20, 2018 - 8:21 am
Hi Elizabeth,
In your case, I would definitely recommend purchasing a commercial washer and dryer. Doing laundry all day, every day is exactly what commercial machines are designed to do. I am not at all surprised that your are going through home style machines frequently as they are not designed for that kind of use. Since you have a tight budget, I would suggest you ask about used equipment to start with. Thanks for commenting on the blog!
October 17, 2018 - 10:17 am
I’m looking for a quote for a commercial washer and dryer for both new and used. Where are you located? What would shipping to Rochester, NY be?
Al Adcock
November 26, 2018 - 10:00 am
Hi James,
I’ve sent you some information via email.
October 29, 2018 - 8:08 pm wanting to look into getting a not to large commercial washer and dryer that doesnt cost to much..even good 2nd hand ones…could u tell me roughly of the cost and also if im able to put them on my verandah..powerpoints are available. ..and if they are very noisy.Thankyou
Al Adcock
October 30, 2018 - 9:33 am
Hi Susan,
I definitely wouldn’t recommend putting washers and dryers outside where they are exposed to the elements. They need to be indoors and protected. Cost will vary widely depending on the size of the machines you’re looking for. In Australia, I would recommend contacting:
Aqualogic Laundry Systems
2 Hudson Ave
Castle Hill NSW 2154
+61 1300 222 119
My friend Lisa Horne and her crew will definitely take care of you. Good Luck!
November 26, 2018 - 9:18 am
I need a large capacity washer and dryer for a vacation unit. Can you send me prices and information?
December 28, 2018 - 3:52 pm
1where can i buy a residential washer ? for a family of 4
Al Adcock
December 28, 2018 - 3:55 pm
Hi Nadia,
Any of the big box stores will have an excellent selection of washers and dryers for home use. Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes, Fryes, etc. are all good choices. Good luck!
February 11, 2019 - 2:43 pm
Please contact me with brand and contact info for family of 8 we need more than residential units can offer.
Al Adcock
February 12, 2019 - 9:01 am
Hi Zach,
Thanks for the comment! I’ve forwarded you some additional information.
Tracey Galligan
April 8, 2019 - 8:31 pm
I’m hoping you can assist me with purchasing the right washer and dryer. I’ve tried a front loader and recently purchased a large capacity Maytag top loader with an agitator and neither can handle a larger comforter. Thinking a commercial unit might be best, can you help? Thanks!
Al Adcock
April 9, 2019 - 7:57 am
Hi Tracey,
Thanks for commenting on the blog. I’ve sent you an email with some additional information.
vince mastronardi
April 17, 2019 - 11:02 am
Hi Al!
Great article! We are a contents restoration company and need to wash a lot of rags and moving blankets. Which are some of the brands of washer and dryers that you recommend for us? Thanks for your help.
Al Adcock
April 17, 2019 - 12:46 pm
Hi Vince,
Thanks for commenting on the blog!
Washing moving blankets definitely moves you into the realm of commercial laundry equipment! A home washer will not last very long washing such heavy items regularly, plus you can’t load very many into a smaller machine. Depending on the volume of laundry you are washing, our HE Series will likely fit the bill. If a home washer seems just a bit too small, our 35 pound or 45 pound machine will suit you well. If you’re looking to wash multiple blankets at a time, I would suggest the HE-65, which is our most popular and best selling model.
Feel free to give me a call if you have any more questions!
Al Adcock
August 3, 2019 - 6:14 pm
Need your advice, would like to have a commercial washer install in my home, what are the requirements and where is the best place to get one if we decide to go that route?
Al Adcock
August 8, 2019 - 10:05 am
Hi Wendy,
Thanks for commenting on the blog! The blog post covers general requirements, but there may be more stringent requirements in California that I am unaware of. I would recommend contacting our distributor in Southern California for more information:
Washex Machinery Of California, Inc
Mark Sanders
Burbank, CA 91502-0310
November 4, 2019 - 8:05 am
We are a family of 9
We currently have a front loader home grade washer and dryer
We run this machine at least 4-5 hours a day load after load
The drain pump went bad this week
I’m a little handy and will repair it by myself
While we were waiting for the part to come in we went to the laundromat to clean our clothes there
I was amazed how fast they cleaned our clothes
Literally 1/3rd of the time
That’s when I found your very informative article
We’re building a house and would love to fit commercial equipment in the plans
Can you guide me the best route
Al Adcock
December 2, 2019 - 4:52 pm
Hi Kobie,
Commercial laundry equipment doesn’t typically use pump drains, but instead a gravity drain. You may be able to adopt your plumbing to handle this by putting a tee in the drain line near the floor (I’ve done this in every house I’ve owned). You’ll also typically need to let the washer share your dryer plug or alternatively add another 230V single phase outlet behind your washer. Most commercial units don’t run on standard 120VAC. All of that being said, you might want to explore a used machine in the 20-25 pound range which should still work fine with your homestyle dryer. Any larger and you’d need to either add a dryer or buy a commercial dryer and they don’t typically fit well in a residential situation (they are much larger than a standard home dryer). I’d definitely recommend you get in touch with our distributor:
MCH Equipment
421A Philmont Avenue
Feasterville, PA 19053
Good luck!
Diaper Service
November 29, 2019 - 3:03 pm
Hello Al!
My wife owns a cloth diaper service. She currently outsources the laundry, however we are interested in buying a home and modifying the garage to accommodate commercial/industrial machines. We’d love to pick your brain about this and get some recommendations from you!
Al Adcock
December 2, 2019 - 4:46 pm
I’m happy to assist you with sizing your laundry equipment. The good news is that you’re not likely to need 3 phase power which is generally not available in a residential area. It should be relatively straightforward to determine your needs since you are currently outsourcing and being billed by the pound. That will give you the critical piece of information you need to size the laundry. You then need to know:
1. The average pounds per day
2. How many hours you wish to dedicate to doing laundry
3. Your equipment budget
For instance, if you’re averaging 150 pounds per day and want to complete the laundry in 4 hours, you’d need a 30 pound washer and dryer. This assumes you’ll process about 1.2 loads per hour. For your home business, you’ll also need a dedicated commercial water heater as dirty diapers will require some good old fashioned hot water to get them clean. I would also highly recommend that you contact a commercial laundry chemical company that will sell you the appropriate commercial grade chemicals that will make getting the diapers clean much easier.
Great question and if you need more assistance, feel free to contact me. The office phone number is 850-249-2222.
Mary Ann
December 10, 2019 - 4:15 pm
Residential environment; commercial requirements. Have an abundance of cats and dogs and do 25 to 30 loads of laundry each week. Critters are spoiled so lots of sleeping pads, fleece blankets, comforters, and towels – lots of shedding. All pee / training pads we might use for animals are disposable so sanitation not an issue in that regard Have always had regular residential washers. Are you able to recommend a commercial washer that might fit our needs? Will likely stick with residential grade dryer as I do like to hang laundry to dry when conditions allow.
Secondly, we will need to switch to a commercial detergent to be compatible with commercial washer?
Are you able to suggest a source for such a detergent, if necessary, in the Houston Texas area?
Thanks for the concise and informative discussion on commercial laundry equipment for novices.
Al Adcock
January 6, 2020 - 10:03 am
Hi Mary Ann,
If you’re looking for a commercial grade washer in Houston (and it really sounds like you need one!), contact:
Skyline Equip Inc
Nichol Weaver
16502 Northchase Drive Suite A
Houston, TX 77060-3375
Good Luck!
December 14, 2019 - 10:55 am
We built a new pool and I will ne building a pool house inclusive of electric dryer for towel drying. It is wired up for the voltage and hoping you can recommend a commercial dryer for high volumes of bath towels.
Many thanks in advance,
Al Adcock
January 6, 2020 - 10:00 am
Hi Paul,
An electric heat commercial dryer typically requires 3 phase power, so that will likely present a problem in a residential situation. If gas is a possibility, you would have a chance.
Good luck!
Kristin Kennedy
January 5, 2020 - 1:31 pm
I am interested a commercial washer and dryer but haven’t been able to find a way to buy one. I love the fact that the washing machines at the laundry mat only take 30 minutes to wash versus residential washers that take between 75-120 minutes. We own an auto shop and do a lot of heavy dirty loads. Waiting that long for a wash means I have to be available to get the laundry out ASAP or the machine will smell. I fought the smell of a front loader for years and finally broke down and bought a regular agitator type model from speed queen. It had metal gears on the settings which I liked because I planned to never buy another washer again. Here I am four years later and it’s making oil spots on my whites! I’ve been taking all my whites to the laundromat while I do research but I am frustrated that front loaders take so long to wash. I have finally decided that if I find one that I can live with I will just have to learn to leave the door open and never leave a load in there.
Al Adcock
January 6, 2020 - 9:58 am
Hi Kristin,
The reason front loaders take a bit longer to wash is due to the extra rinses you get, which removes excess detergent and soils from the goods. A top loader has 1 wash cycle and 1 rinse cycle, then extract and finished. This leaves a tremendous amount of detergent and soils still in the goods.
A front loader has a wash cycle, followed by 2 or 3 rinses and can also optionally have a prewash cycle which really helps on heavily soiled goods. Also, a front loader gives you mechanical action – the goods are lifted against gravity and pound back down on the inside of the wash cylinder, forcing the detergent and water through the fibers of the goods, carrying away soils and stains. You do not get any mechanical action like this in a top loader.
Further, a front loader extracts at a much higher speed, saving time in the dryer and reducing wear and tear on the goods.
Finally, don’t forget that a washer and dryer work as a team. It doesn’t really save you any time if the washer finishes in 30 minutes but drying takes over an hour. With the front loader, the washer and dryer will work together and finish their work at approximately the same time.
For any front loader, it is best practice to leave the door open after a wash cycle so that it can dry (just like a top loader). Otherwise, you may experience mildewing.
Good luck!
February 21, 2020 - 5:08 pm
Are commercial washer / dryers noisier than residential ones?( Our laundry is right next to our kitchen)
You mention that these are more serviceble than residential appliances. Are all parts available and easily obtainable by public?
Could you please send me information on recommended washer / dryer (gas)?
Al Adcock
April 20, 2020 - 9:29 am
Hi Jan,
Thanks for your comment. Commercial machines aren’t designed to work in a home environment. There are some heavier duty homestyle machines that could be used in the home but they typically more than twice the cost of a home style machine. In Missouri, I would recommend you contact:
Laundry Solutions Company
4629 W Calhoun St
Springfield, MO 65802-5796
steve seymoure
August 9, 2020 - 7:54 pm
I have about 200 bed sets that will be required to wash a couple of times a week. The day of check outs could require upnto 150 bed sets in two days. Should I get multiple machines or fewer and larger capacity ones. The power source is electric. What are the prices for the machines?
Al Adcock
August 10, 2020 - 8:56 am
Hi Steve,
Thanks for commenting on the blog. Typically, 2 or 3 smaller machines are better than 1 large machine. The reasons are:
1. A few smaller machines will give you flexibility for smaller loads – running a small load in a large machine wastes water, energy, time, and chemicals, not to mention that it is harder on the machine to run smaller loads.
2. If you have 1 machine and it requires maintenance, you won’t be able to do any laundry at all.
For the loads you are specifying, 3 SP-65 washers (65 pound capacity each) and 3 DE-75 dryers (75 pound capacity each) will provide you with enough capacity to handle 150 bed sets in a reasonable amount of time. If you can provide me with additional information on what you are washing (sheet sizes, number of sheets per bed, etc.) I can calculate this more accurately and provide you with better information.
August 11, 2020 - 1:17 pm
What is the best laundry machines for a small business washing children’s blankets and cot sheets several times a day?
Al Adcock
August 28, 2020 - 10:17 am
Hi Karthika,
Unfortunately, the answer is it depends. It is important to match the size of the washer and dryer with the goods to be laundered. The idea is to buy the machine that will get the laundry done in the time required. For instance, if you need to wash 25 blankets and sheets per day, the easiest thing to do is weigh the goods and divide by how many hours per day you wish to dedicate to the job:
50 blankets, each weighing 1.5 pounds, so 75 pounds total
50 sheets, each weighing 0.6 pounds, 30 pounds total
Total wash, 105 pounds
If I want to complete this laundry in 5 hours, I’d need to process about 21 pounds per hour. This means I need a machine that has a capacity of about 21 pounds for most efficient operation. This is the size of a standard home style washer or a small commercial washer. If you are washing every day, I would definitely recommend purchasing a commercial washer as a home style unit is not designed to be operated this frequently and will not last more than about 18 months.
April 7, 2021 - 6:19 pm
I have some of the same questions as posters above. We are a family of 8, so naturally there is a good amount of laundry. I am on my third washer and can’t seem to find one that actually cleans the clothes well. Do commercial washers do a better job than residential washers? I’m looking for speed (I seem to remember our home washer growing up had a twenty minute cycle. My washer now is over an hour and still doesn’t fully clean the clothes!) and effectiveness. Should I be looking at a commercial washer, or something like a speed queen?
Are there dryers that fold and put away? Please advise.
Al Adcock
April 8, 2021 - 9:47 am
Hi Cole,
Sounds like you might need a machine that is designed for more than typical home use. A home washer isn’t designed to do laundry every day, multiple times a day, but just a few times per week. Many manufacturers now make a small chassis machine that will connect to your standard home utility connections and also work well with a home dryer, since the cylinder volume matches. A larger capacity washer will require a larger capacity dryer and that is where things get complicated when installing a commercial machine at home. I would recommend contacting our distributor in Texas:
Aadvantage Laundry Systems Inc
2510 National Dr
Garland, TX 75041
Regarding cycle times, the washer, no matter the make, will typically complete its wash cycle much faster than the dryer completes its drying cycle, so a faster poorer quality wash would be the result. The 20 minute time you recall was in a top loader, which are frankly terrible. Firstly, top loaders only have 1 wash cycle and 1 rinse, meaning that your goods will be very poorly rinsed and likely still full of soap. Secondly, the water consumption on a top loader is atrocious. Finally, a top loader has almost no mechanical action, meaning that the detergents are not forced through the fibers of the goods. Mechanical action is what allows the detergents to carry away the material that makes up the stain. Front load washers excel at getting your laundry cleaner, use much less water and detergents, and spin at much higher speeds, removing more water from the goods, reducing drying times and the overall energy consumption of your laundry room.
As of today, there are no dryers that also fold, however this is changing, as there are a few companies that have shown machines for home use that fold. They are not combined with the dryer that I’ve seen. It is a semi-automatic operation requiring you to clip the goods you wish to fold into the machine and the machine then folds the items. Check out FoldiMate for the machine that I’ve seen the most.
Thanks for reading and commenting on the blog!
May 3, 2021 - 8:45 am
Any suggestions on where to pick up a set in the cal/nev/Az area? Thank you kindly.
Al Adcock
May 3, 2021 - 9:21 am
Hi Jake,
Thanks for commenting on the blog. For sales in the Los Angeles area, please contact:
Washex Machinery Of California, Inc
Mark Sanders
Burbank, CA 91502-0310
May 4, 2021 - 6:27 am
Do they come apart to fit into a residential home in the basement for a family home of 16
Al Adcock
May 4, 2021 - 8:34 am
Hi Jesica,
Thanks for commenting on the blog. No, commercial machines don’t come apart to fit into residential areas. Your best course of action would be to have a plumber add a second connection point for an additional washer and dryer and perhaps an electrician to provide another additional outlets for the machines. In that way, you’d double your laundry capabilities.
Good luck!
July 4, 2021 - 12:52 pm
Hi, any suggestions on where to look for commercial grade residential washer and dryer in the Tampa Bay area in Florida or surrounding areas?
Al Adcock
July 6, 2021 - 11:07 am
Hi Martha,
For sales in the Tampa Bay area, please contact:
Gulf Coast Equipment Sales
Tony Jordan
4304 Wallace Rd
Lakeland, FL 33812
August 25, 2021 - 3:48 pm
I am interested in a washer/ dryer commercial unit. I run a dog boarding and grooming kennel and my dryer cannot keep up.
Al Adcock
August 25, 2021 - 4:18 pm
Hi Kate,
I’ve replied to you via email – thanks for your comment on the blog!
Denis Kimbugwe
October 2, 2021 - 5:50 pm
I’m Uganda Africa and want to start a commercial laundry business.
What machine capacity is best because I’m looking at many people in our town.
Al Adcock
October 4, 2021 - 10:16 am
Hi Denis,
It’s always tricky to decide machine sizing when you don’t fully know how much laundry you’ll be doing. Most commercial machines are sized in the weight of the dry laundry they can process. A good rule of thumb for starting out is 1 load per hour. This is quite conservative, but you should be able to process this amount easily and improve upon it as you optimize your business. Sizing the machines also depends on your customers. For instance, doing laundry for families is very different than doing laundry for a hotel or restaurant. In the case of family goods, you’ll need to separate the goods into types and have a way to track whose goods belong to whom during the laundry process. Many companies use mesh bags for this. For hotels and other commercial enterprises, it’s a bit easier since you’ll mainly be dealing with sheets, towels, napkins, and tablecloths, which only need to be sorted into groups by the amount of staining there is. However, a good place to start is machines you can afford to purchase that will operate reliably. For this, I suggest finding a vendor for machines, new or used, that you can trust and provide you with advice about your particulars.
Good luck!
January 4, 2022 - 8:10 am
IHi. I currently have an LG Front Load washer and dryer, for one.
Instructions on a alternative down comforter (queen size) recommends to use a commercial front load.
LG salesmen state their washer/dryer can handle queen size bedspreads.
Who do I believe?!
Al Adcock
January 4, 2022 - 9:53 am
Hi Marge,
Thanks for commenting on the blog. Simple – just take your comforter to the store with you and see if it fits! You shouldn’t have to force the comforter into the machine, it should fit relatively easily in a front loader. Typically, the manufacturers recommend a commercial machine because they are front loaders. Trying to wash a comforter in a top load washer is an exercise in futility, since there isn’t enough room in the cylinder because of the agitator. LG also manufactures extra large capacity washers (up to 35 pounds) that are certainly capable of washing a queen size comforter.
Good luck!
January 18, 2022 - 9:06 am
I work for the City of Loveland in Colorado. Linemen are wanting a washer and dryer in their parts room to clean clothes and such. Can you give a price on a standard washer and dryer setup. Electric dryer. Thank you.
Al Adcock
January 20, 2022 - 2:08 pm
Thanks for the comment, Paul! We’ve replied to your request via email and we’re always happy to help!
March 10, 2022 - 11:53 am
I will be doing commercial contracting for laundry services. Can you recommend machines for me?
Al Adcock
March 10, 2022 - 12:27 pm
Hi Stephanie,
Machine selection is highly dependent on the volume of laundry you’ll need to process. I would recommend getting in contact with our distributor in Southern California:
Washex Machinery Of California, Inc
Mark Sanders
Burbank, CA 91502-0310
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and thanks for commenting on the blog!
August 11, 2022 - 8:46 am
Great write up! I have a small wash and fold business that we would like to add commercial equipment to our garage. Looking for any recommendations in the pnw region specifically Oregon that could help?
Al Adcock
August 11, 2022 - 9:37 am
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the comment and kind words! I’ve sent you an email with our distributor’s contact information.
October 1, 2022 - 3:36 pm
Love my Maytag commercial grade washer & dryer! It’s fast, the water fills to the top & laundry done quickly. My only complaint is my clothes do not smell like detergent ( use Gain ) anymore. I’ve tried hot , cold, pre wash, no pre wash, fabric softener , no softener and no matter what no smell. They don’t smell BAD , but they don’t smell good either. Literally nothing. I wonder if this machine is too fast ?
Al Adcock
October 17, 2022 - 11:38 am
Hi Danielle,
What you’re experiencing is known as clean clothes. Front loaders do a very good job of rinsing all of the detergents out of your laundry, and that is a very good thing as detergents can irritate the skin. However, if you add softener to the softener cup in your supply dispenser, the softener should be added during the final rinse and give you the nice smell you’re looking for. If that isn’t working for you, I’d suggest using scented dryer sheets so that your clothes come out smelling nice when you remove them from the dryer. Make sure you follow the cleaning procedures for your dryer, as some dryer sheets can interfere with you dryer’s automatic drying function, so make sure you clean any sensors inside the dryer – this should be shown in your dryer’s manual.
I certainly hope this helps you get your nice smelling clothes back!
October 23, 2022 - 10:26 pm
I would like to put a commercial washer dryer in the basement of my Airbnb units. Do you have advice on feasibility of this in terms of drainage? Sounds like gas is best. What are the options if only electric is available. What kind of voltage should I tell mt contractor we need. And gas hookup as well?
Al Adcock
October 24, 2022 - 2:23 pm
Hi Matthew,
Installing commercial laundry equipment in a home that wasn’t designed to accept them can be tricky. If you’re just looking for a larger than standard washer and dryer, LG manufactures extra large capacity washers (up to 35 pounds).
Commercial washers are typically gravity drain into a drain pit, which you’re unlikely to have in a basement. The large capacity LG I mention above is designed to work with your standard home hookups for washers and dryers. Commercial dryers have at least a 6 inch exhaust duct and an electric heat commercial dryer will require a significantly larger electrical supply than a home unit (our 30 pound electric heat dryer requires an 80A breaker and larger units need even more).
I hope that I’ve answered your questions!
January 18, 2023 - 7:13 pm
Hi Al – I appreciate the info on this blog. I have a 4-plex in north Seattle area with common laundry area shared by the tenants. Room has exterior access (30″ wide door). I have 1 standard-size top-load washer which is kept very busy and has held up well to the use. But the standard size front load gas dryer I have takes longer to dry clothes than to wash. So I am interested in upgrading the dryer to commercial 25# or 30# dryer. Are there any commercial gas dryers in this size range that can go through a 30″ wide door? Can you send me contact info for the commercial equipment dealer closest to me so I can discuss details?
Al Adcock
January 19, 2023 - 9:44 am
Hi Lonnie,
That doesn’t sound like much fun at all. The main problem I see with your setup is the top-load washer. Assuming the dryer is in good service and has a relatively short and unclogged exhaust path, it’s the low speed extract provided by a top-load washer that’s causing the problems. A typical top-loader has an extract force of around 100G, meaning that terry towels washed in this machine will have as much water weight to remove as the weight of the goods themselves after a cycle. If your machine holds 18 pounds of towels, you’ll then have to evaporate 18 pounds of water from those goods. We’ll get into the math here quickly, but it takes about 1200 BTU to evaporate 1 pound of water at 100% efficiency. Naturally, our dryer isn’t nearly that effective, so we’ll just say it’s 50% efficient to make the math a bit easier meaning it takes 2400BTU now to evaporate that 1 pound of water. So in total, we’ll need to supply 43,200 BTU (18 pounds x 1200 BTU). A typical home dryer can provide a BTU output of between 20,000 and 22,000 BTU/hour, so that means it could take as long as 2 hours to dry that load of towels.
Now we can really see the benefits of a front-load washer, which typically have an extract force of 350G. Now, we’ll only have about 65% of water weight in the goods, meaning that we only have to evaporate 11.7 pounds of water now. Evaporating the water takes just over 28,000 BTU, meaning it would take just over an hour in example dryer that we previously used, cutting our drying time literally in half.
For your laundry, I’d firstly have the exhaust duct cleaned and a general inspection of the dryer to confirm that it is in good working order. Then, I’d donate that top-loader and replace it with a light commercial unit, which are typically more robust than a standard home unit. LG and others make these light commercial duty machines and they will last for many years running a few wash loads per day on average.
Last thing to note, a 30″ wide door will definitely be a limitation on what equipment you’ll be able to get into the space. Homestyle units are typically 26″ wide and there really aren’t standards like this for commercial units meaning that most will not go through the door.
Good luck and feel free to reach out in the future with questions!
March 2, 2023 - 11:21 pm
Looking for a large Top Load Washer with capacity washing machine for our family. Your recommendations are appreciated.
Al Adcock
March 6, 2023 - 12:07 pm
Hi Maria,
I could never reccomend a top loader for anyone as they are quite inefficient and provide almost no mechanical action which helps to remove stains and soils from the laundry. Please consider purchasing a front load washer, as they are far superior to top loaders. There are a few reasons for this:
1. Toploaders give you a single wash and a single rinse whereas frontloaders typically have a wash and at least 2 rinses plus an option for a third and likely a prewash option as well. One rinse is not enough to remove the soap and soil from your goods. Don’t believe me? Take a towel laundered in a top loader, put it in water and see how much soap is left. This can cause skin irritation, especially in children and those with skin sensitivity.
2. Toploaders provide little or no mechanical action as the goods are floating in a container of water. While the agitator does move the water and goods, this isn’t enough to force the detergents through the fibers of the goods, which removes stains. A frontloader lifts the goods up and drops them into water in the bottom of the cylinder, forcing the detergent and water through the fibers of the goods, actually cleaning them. Then, the multiple rinses of the frontloader are able to carry away the dirt and soil, leaving your goods clean.
3. Toploaders have a very low speed final spin, meaning that your dryer must evaporate a tremendous amount of water which is very costly. In contrast, a frontloader has a very high speed extract and will remove over twice as much water from the goods, leading to significantly shorter and therefore less expensive drying times. Conveniently, this also reduces the amount of total time you’ll spend doing laundry since a load of towels will now be done in about half of the time, all things being equal.
4. Finally, frontload washers can be had in much larger capacities than toploaders, again meaning you’ll do more laundry in less time.
Even though toploaders seem less expensive to purchase (and they are initially), over the long lifespan of your machines (10 years or more), you’ll spend significantly less in energy costs drying the goods and spend much less time waiting on your laundry if you purchase a frontloader, making it the smart choice.
Good luck and thanks for your question!
Patti Keith
October 24, 2023 - 11:49 am
Are the dryers you have in the category of “tumble dryers”?
We have researched these and there are issues that will prevent us from going that route.
Do you have more of a commercial-grade dryer – like a 9.0 cu ft made with metal parts instead of plastic and not any bells and whistles to speak of? We need for a small hotel with 20 rooms.
Al Adcock
October 24, 2023 - 12:04 pm
Hi Patti,
We offer the LG brand of commercial equipment for machines in that size range. The drying cylinder is stainless steel and will have excellent life in a small hotel application. The main problem with manufacturing a machine of this size is that you’re competing with companies like LG, Samsung, and the like who are able to build at scale, making the machines significantly less expensive than machines manufactured in much lower quantities. We do manufacture a 30 pound dryer, our DE-30, which is 12.3 cubic feet but does have larger utility requirements than a home-style dryer. Depending on the location of your laundry room and available access, this may be a good choice for you if you’re tired of going to the big box store to buy a dryer every 18 months. The machine is naturally more expensive, but is designed for continuous use and most importantly, designed to be repaired over time. Life expectancy will be measured in decades.
Kind regards,
Sewanu Kponou
January 22, 2024 - 11:38 am
Hi. I’m planning on building a rental property that will house no more than 6 residents. I’m wondering if, at 1.5 washes/week/tenant, will require commercial style washer/dryer equipment. (I hope my estimate for usage is correct). In addition I will like payment to be done by card reader/internet only, no cash. If cost effective, I’d like notification for equipment status, i.e. in-use, or not.
Thanks for your advise/suggestions.
Al Adcock
January 22, 2024 - 1:00 pm
Hi Sewanu,
Thanks for reaching out and I’ve sent you an email with recommendations for you. Thanks for reaching out!