Chemical Safety in your Commercial Laundry

Chemical Safety in your Commercial Laundry

As we all know, commercial laundry facilities use chemicals. Depending on the types of goods processed – hospitality laundry, nursing home, healthcare, veterinary, etc. – the types and amounts of chemicals used can vary greatly. Unfortunately, reports of accidents and incidents involving the use and storage of chemicals are far too frequent. We must remain diligent in properly handling and storing these hazardous materials, or problems will arise. So, in this post you’ll find general safety rules of thumb for handling and storing chemicals in the laundry.


Building Efficient Wash Processes in your Commercial Laundry

Improving the efficiency of your commercial laundry can often be found in the details of the laundering process itself, receiving, sorting, washing, drying or ironing, and the preparedness and training of the staff.

Efficient washing generally has 4 aspects:


Small Piece Folders Save Time, Money, and Labor in Your Commercial Laundry

Small Piece Folders Save Time, Money, and Labor in Your Commercial Laundry

We all look for ways to save time and money.  We try to work smarter not harder.  One way to do this in your commercial laundry is by purchasing a small piece or towel folder.  These versatile machines will quickly pay for themselves through labor savings and increased throughput by streamlining the process of folding.  

Small piece folders are a great addition to a busy laundry.  Although they’re commonly referred to as a towel folder they can fold many different things.  It’s most commonly used to fold towels but most can also fold other small items like shirts, scrubs, small blankets, pillowcases, twin sheets and much more.  


Considerations When Choosing an Ironer for your Commercial Laundry

Considerations When Choosing an Ironer for your Commercial Laundry

When determining which ironer to choose for your industrial laundry or commercial laundry, there are several things to consider, from production requirements to service and everything in between.  While this is not an all encompassing guide, as site details vary widely, this guide aims to be a starting point of things to think about when researching ironers for your facility.


Seven Tips for Maintaining Commercial Laundry Equipment

Seven Tips for Maintaining Commercial Laundry Equipment

Commercial Laundry equipment, like any other machine, contains many moving parts that need attention from time to time.  If the machines are not looked after and maintained properly, the return on investment will be poor.  Instead of making your operation efficient and reducing the costs of doing laundry, expenses for repair and downtime will loom large, reducing efficiency and profitability.
