7 Things About Drying Cabinets You Need to Know


We’ve come a long way since the clothesline. Now instead of lugging wet, heavy laundry outside to dry in the breeze we can pop our clothes into our handy tumble dryers and have them dry in no time. As easy and convenient as tumble dryers are they come with their own set of problems as they don’t handle delicate goods very well at all. Enter the drying cabinet. Used in Europe for decades, these ingenious machines allow for drying of goods that can’t handle the rigors of the traditional tumble dryer. Many people are becoming familiar with drying cabinets used in fire departments for PPE or turn-out gear but there are several reasons to add one to just about any laundry. Here are the 7 things about drying cabinets you need to know:

1. Gentle Drying


With traditional tumble dryers goods are exposed to a lot of friction from the action of the drying cylinder. While the cylinder rotates, the goods rub against each other as well as the cylinder itself. This causes extra wear and tear on the fabrics. With a drying cabinet, goods hang to dry and you don’t have the mechanical action involved with tumble drying. 

2. Low Energy Costs


Many drying cabinets manufactured today have fan systems and controls to make them highly energy efficient. Some manufacturers have cabinets that can be programmed to stop when the goods are dry by utilizing a humidity sensor.

3. Efficiency


When paired with a high speed washer drying time is about the same as with a traditional tumble dryer.

4. Garments Last Longer


Without the friction caused by tumble drying, garments have a much longer life. If there are any rough spots on the cylinder of a tumble dryer this can pick at the fabric and tear holes. This type of damage is eliminated when using a drying cabinet.

5. Low Maintenance


Drying cabinets have very few moving parts to wear out which leads to less down time for repair plus there are no lint filters that need to be cleaned after each use.

6. Long Product Life


The simple design of drying cabinets means longer life. Less moving parts means there aren’t as many parts to break and this can lead to a longer life for the machine.

7. Excellent Addition to a Regular Dyer


Many items today carry a “do not tumble dry” label. A drying cabinet is the ideal solution to quickly, easily and efficiently dry items that need extra care. 

A drying cabinet is a great complement to a traditional tumble dryer due to their many applications. Most items that can’t be dried in a tumble dryer can easily be dried in a cabinet dryer. Items like pillows, wedding gowns, sleeping bags, costumes, ski clothes, heavy jackets and much more will dry perfectly and quickly in a drying cabinet.

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Published onTue Jan 13 byTraceyAdcock
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