Choosing a Washer-Extractor for your Commercial Laundry

Choosing a Washer-Extractor for your Commercial Laundry

It’s critical to purchase the right machine for your commercial laundry since picking the wrong machine will certainly lead to headaches and heartaches when you are at your busiest time. Today, we’ll take a look at a few options that you’ll have when choosing the best machine for your laundry application.


G-Force and Your Commercial Washer

Most (but not all) manufacturers of commercial washers publish the G-Force of their washer-extractors. Have you ever wondered about the significance of this number and where it comes from?


The Importance of Wash Cylinder Volume in a Commercial Washer

Why are commercial washers and commercial dryers sold by capacity in pounds?  After all, when you purchase just about any other cylinder shaped object (like a washer basket or dryer basket) it would be rated in some unit of volume (quarts, gallons, bushels, etc.).  Most laundry carts have their capacities listed in bushels.  Even a lowly bucket has its capacity shown in quarts or gallons.  So why is there a difference when it comes to your washer or dryer?
