October 5, 2023 / Al Adcock / 0 Comments

Choosing a Washer-Extractor for your Commercial Laundry
It’s critical to purchase the right machine for your commercial laundry since picking the wrong machine will certainly lead to headaches and heartaches when you are at your busiest time. Today, we’ll take a look at a few options that you’ll have when choosing the best machine for your laundry application.
April 13, 2023 / Al Adcock / 0 Comments

The Necessity of a Preventative Maintenance Program for your Commercial Laundry
Preventative maintenance is definitely something we talk about frequently, as the importance of keeping capital equipment running just can’t be overstated. If you’re not familiar with the topic, preventative maintenance is a routine schedule of inspections, tests, and tasks that are performed on a regular basis to prevent equipment failure and ensure that it is operating at optimal performance. A preventative maintenance program is an essential part of any organization’s operations, as it helps to minimize downtime and ensure that equipment is available when it is needed. We’ve all heard horror stories of equipment failures at the worst possible time, and a PM program is a time-proven way to reduce exposure to risk.
April 6, 2023 / Al Adcock / 0 Comments

Saving Labor in your Commercial Laundry with Automatic Folders
Everyone knows how difficult it is to hire and retain good employees. In today’s tight labor market, it makes perfect sense to invest in automation. The benefits of automating the folding process are numerous and there are tremendous cost savings to realize. The use of automatic folding equipment in a commercial laundry can lead to significant labor savings since the machines are designed to quickly and accurately fold a variety of items, including towels, linens, and clothing, which can lead to freeing up staff to focus on other tasks or reduced need for employees.
September 5, 2014 / Tracey Adcock / 6 Comments
In the past dirty turnout gear was a sign of an experienced firefighter. Today we know that dirty gear is full of toxins and can be dangerous. Having soot and other surface dirt on the outside of the gear puts the firefighter at risk because dirty PPE is more likely to conduct heat and become flammable. If the dirt and soot is covering the reflective trim then the firefighter may not be visible during the course of a fire. (more…)